China Threatens to Release Audio of Secret Deal With Philippines

Post Content
2024-05-07 17:08:46

Caifornia zoo announces the birth of an endangered animal. See the adorable photos

Post Content
2024-04-17 23:06:49

EU leaders call for calm as Israel-Iran situation threatens to spiral

Post Content
2024-04-17 23:06:47

Ex-Liverpool midfielder Murphy was addicted to cocaine

Former England midfielder Danny Murphy says he became addicted to cocaine after his playing career ended.
2024-04-10 01:06:45

Critically ill lawmaker arrested - Togo opposition

Post Content
2024-04-08 14:09:43

GPS disabled as Israel raises alert over Iran threat

The Israeli army also cancels leave after Iran threatens to retaliate over the killing of its general.
2024-04-04 19:09:47

Study: Mineral extraction threatens great apes across Africa

Post Content
2024-04-04 11:10:52

Botswana Threatens to Deport Elephants to Europe in Fight Over Hunting

Post Content
2024-04-04 06:07:52

Iran's Raisi again threatens Israel for Damascus attack

Post Content
2024-04-04 01:06:39

Iran's Raisi again threatens Israel for Damascus attack

Post Content
2024-04-03 22:09:48

Botswana threatens to send 20,000 elephants to Germany

Germany wants tougher limits on hunting the animals, but Botswana says it has too many of them.
2024-04-03 12:08:46

Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei threatens Israel after strike on Damascus

Post Content
2024-04-02 14:09:20

Bricks of cocaine wash up on Australian beaches

More than 250kg of the drug has been found along the New South Wales seaboard since December.
2024-04-02 04:06:52

Cocaine haul found after high-speed boat chase

Colombian authorities seize over three tonnes of cocaine following a chase at sea, their largest haul of 2024.
2024-03-27 14:11:06

German opposition threatens inquiry into Scholz Taurus missile claims

Post Content
2024-03-12 17:11:10

Post Content
2024-03-11 15:08:33

Impeachment inquiry threatens Biden with election-year headache

A formal inquiry, with public hearings, has the potential to loom over his election campaign in 2024.
2023-12-14 03:06:49

Navalny protests: Russia threatens TikTok with fines over protest posts

Russia says TikTok and other social media giants are refusing to remove posts about recent protests.
2021-01-27 20:05:50

British energy firm threatens to seize India government assets

Cairn Energy could take planes and ships from the Indian government after winning a $1.2bn legal dispute.
2021-01-28 05:05:49

Biden threatens sanctions on Myanmar after military coup

2021-02-01 20:06:02

Myanmar coup: US threatens sanctions over Aung San Suu Kyi detention

Aung San Suu Kyi and other elected leaders were detained on Monday as the army seized power.
2021-02-02 03:05:51

Perth: Bushfire threatens locked-down Australian city

A large blaze is racing towards Perth as the state capital remains in a snap coronavirus lockdown.
2021-02-02 06:06:57

UK government threatens companies with 'large fines' over social media abuse

The UK government threatens social media companies with "large fines" which could amount to "billions" if they fail to tackle online abuse.
2021-02-03 19:05:51

Indonesia tigers: Zookeeper killed after endangered animals escape

One of the rare Sumatran tigers is recaptured after being tranquilised, but the other is shot dead.
2021-02-06 18:05:57

Trump-McConnell feud threatens Republicans' path to power

2021-02-18 04:05:49

Trump-McConnell feud threatens Republicans' path to power

2021-02-18 14:09:08

UN envoy: Yemen rebels threatens peace but US offers chance

2021-02-18 20:06:03

Ferret becomes first North American endangered species to be cloned

The black-footed ferret is the first North American endangered species to be cloned in a laboratory.
2021-02-19 20:05:55

Kokainos gabonapelyhet kapcsoltak le az amerikai vámosok

Átlagosnak nem mondható gabonapehely-szállítmányt foglaltak le a vámosok az egyesült államokbeli Cincinatti városában február 13-án. Az egyik kábítószerkereső kutya egy Peruból érkező és egy hongkongi magánszemélyhez tartó szállítmánynál szagot fogott és mint kiderült, nem véletlenül. A rakomány mintegy 20 kilogramm reggeliző pelyhet tartalmazott, de a zacskókban látható fehér por, illetve a gabonapelyheken található szürkés bevonat nem cukor volt, hanem kokain. Ekkora mennyiségű kábítószer utcai értéke nagyjából 2,8 millió dollár ? közölte a vámhivatal. The post Kokainos gabonapelyhet kapcso...
2021-02-20 09:05:54

Kenya: Endangered giraffes killed by low power lines

2021-02-22 13:06:01

Kenya: Endangered giraffes killed by low power lines

The three that died were Rothschild's giraffes, one of the animal's most endangered subspecies.
2021-02-22 14:06:56

UK's leader warns climate change threatens world security

2021-02-23 22:06:15

Cocaine 'worth billions' seized in record Germany and Belgium haul

More than 23 tonnes of the drug was discovered in two raids on shipments heading to the Netherlands.
2021-02-24 18:07:02

Looming battle for Yemen's Marib city risks humanitarian disaster

A rebel attack on the government's northern stronghold of Marib threatens mass displacement.
2021-02-25 02:05:59

How these cranes escaped a life as status symbol pets in Rwanda

Captured in the wild to be kept as high status pets in the gardens of hotels and private homes, gray crowned cranes are an endangered species in Africa. However, Rwanda successfully brought the birds back from the brink, thanks to the help of vet and conservationist, Olivier Nsengimana.
2021-02-26 23:28:35

Police in Germany and Belgium make Europe's biggest ever cocaine bust

Authorities in Germany and Belgium seized more than 23,000 kilograms (50,700 pounds) of cocaine, worth billions of dollars, in an international operation that resulted in one arrest, officials said Wednesday, calling it the largest amount of cocaine ever seized in Europe.
2021-02-27 00:06:46

Police in Germany and Belgium make Europe's biggest ever cocaine bust

Authorities in Germany and Belgium seized more than 23,000 kilograms (50,700 pounds) of cocaine, worth billions of dollars, in an international operation that resulted in one arrest, officials said Wednesday, calling it the largest amount of cocaine ever seized in Europe.
2021-02-27 00:06:47

Kihallgatták az orosz influenszert, aki meztelenül feküdt rá egy elefántra

Nem sértett törvényt az orosz influenszer, aki meztelenül feküdt rá Balin egy elefántra. Aleszja Kafelnyikova az Instagramon mutatta meg követőinek az Indonéziában készült videót, amin teljesen pucéron fekszik egy szumátrai elefánt hátán. A poszt óriási felháborodást váltott ki (többek között a kritikusan veszélyeztetett faj miatt aggódó állatvédők körében), a 22 éves influenszer ? Jevgenyij Kafelnyikov teniszező lánya ? törölte is a videót, majd egy újabb bejegyzésben megírta, mi volt a szándéka a felvétellel: Egy magánfotózás volt, egyáltalán nem állt szándékomban megsérteni a helyi lakosok...
2021-02-27 10:08:25

These men protect Africa's endangered animals

Tomas Diagne rescues turtles in Senegal. Jeneria Lekilelei protects lions in Kenya after being raised to kill them.
2021-02-28 12:06:13

Former zoo employee guilty of trafficking endangered tortoises

2021-03-05 02:05:46

Man sees four endangered panthers at same time

2021-03-06 18:06:57

Másfélmillió dollárt érő kokaint talált egy sznorkelező

Sznorkelezés közben sok érdekes dolgot pillanthat meg az ember a vízben, vagy a tengerfenéken, de egy Florida partjainál úszkáló sznorkelező valami olyasmire bukkant, amire feltehetően nem számított. Egy gazdátlan kokainszállítmányt. A floridai Monroe megye rendőrségének közlése szerint a sznorkelező egy nagy fekete csomagot vett észre, amit szigetelő szalaggal kötöztek össze. Abban pedig 25 darab kokaintégla lapult, aminek értékét a hatóságok másfélmillió dollárra, azaz nagyjából 460 millió forintra becsülték. Nearly 70 pounds of cocaine found in floating bale: pic.t...
2021-03-06 20:07:37

Másfélmillió dollárt érő kokaint talált egy sznorkelező

Sznorkelezés közben sok érdekes dolgot pillanthat meg az ember a vízben, vagy a tengerfenéken, de egy Florida partjainál úszkáló sznorkelező valami olyasmire bukkant, amire feltehetően nem számított. Egy gazdátlan kokainszállítmányt. A floridai Monroe megye rendőrségének közlése szerint a sznorkelező egy nagy fekete csomagot vett észre, amit szigetelő szalaggal kötöztek össze. Abban pedig 25 darab kokaintégla lapult, aminek értékét a hatóságok másfélmillió dollárra, azaz nagyjából 460 millió forintra becsülték. Nearly 70 pounds of cocaine found in floating bale: pic.t...
2021-03-06 20:07:37

Missing man threatens to shoot police after taking child

2021-03-07 23:05:55

Media freedom fight threatens to escalate UK-China tensions

Beijing has summoned Britain's ambassador to China over an article she wrote on press freedom, escalating a bitter row between the two countries that has spilled over to the media industry.
2021-03-10 14:05:42

Igaz történet alapján készül film a medvéről, amelyik felfalt 30 kiló kokaint

Egy sporttáska mellett találták meg egy fekete medve tetemét egy georgiai nemzeti parkban 1985-ben. A tetem körül 40 üres zacskó hevert szanaszét ? írja az Independent című brit lap. A boncolás kiderítette, hogy a medve nagyjából 30 kilónyi kokaint falt fel. Ekkora mennyiség elfogyasztását egyetlen emlős állat sem élhette volna túl ? összegezte szakvéleményét a halottkém. Később kiderült, hogy egy Andrew Thornton nevű drogcsempész dobott ki 15 millió dollár értékű kábítószert egy kis Cessnából, amivel Kolumbiából repült haza, az Egyesült Államokba. Thornton, egy vagyonos lótenyésztő család sa...
2021-03-10 16:07:13

US resumes aid to Yemen's rebel north as famine threatens

2021-03-13 00:06:31

Vatican says it will not bless same-sex unions, calling homosexuality a 'sin' and a 'choice'

The Vatican said Monday that the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions, in a statement approved by Pope Francis that threatens to widen the chasm between the church and much of the LGBTQ community.
2021-03-15 14:06:05

Italy locks back down as Europe faces third wave and nations pause AstraZeneca vaccine rollout

Italians are back under lockdown restrictions and millions have had their Easter plans canceled again, as leaders fight to halt a third wave of Covid-19 infections that threatens to grip Europe one year after the pandemic began.
2021-03-15 15:06:27

Italy locks back down as Europe faces third wave and nations pause AstraZeneca vaccine rollout

Italians are back under lockdown restrictions and millions have had their Easter plans canceled again, as leaders fight to halt a third wave of Covid-19 infections that threatens to grip Europe one year after the pandemic began.
2021-03-15 15:06:27

Third Covid-19 wave threatens to grip Europe

2021-03-15 16:05:43

Vatican says it will not bless same-sex unions, calling homosexuality a 'sin' and a 'choice'

The Vatican said Monday that the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions, in a combative statement approved by Pope Francis that threatens to widen the chasm between the church and much of the LGBTQ community.
2021-03-15 16:05:46

Vatican says it will not bless same-sex unions, calling homosexuality a 'sin' and a 'choice'

The Vatican said Monday that the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions, in a combative statement approved by Pope Francis that threatens to widen the chasm between the church and much of the LGBTQ community.
2021-03-15 16:05:46

The decision was based on a small number of blood clot concerns, going against the advice of global experts

Italians are back under lockdown restrictions and millions have had their Easter plans canceled again, as leaders fight to halt a third wave of Covid-19 infections that threatens to grip Europe one year after the pandemic began.
2021-03-15 18:05:45

Vatican says it will not bless same-sex unions, calling them a 'sin'

The Vatican said Monday that the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions, in a combative statement approved by Pope Francis that threatens to widen the chasm between the church and much of the LGBTQ community.
2021-03-16 00:06:02

Regent honeyeater: Endangered bird 'has forgotten its song'

The natural song of the regent honeyeater has essentially "disappeared" in 12% of the population.
2021-03-17 03:06:59

Yemeni rebel offensive threatens camps of those who fled war

2021-03-18 08:07:09

Sign at Texas restaurant threatens a $50 fee 'If I have to explain why masks are mandatory'

The owners of a Denton, Texas, diner want customers to know that they are serious when they say masks are still required in their establishment.
2021-03-21 01:05:47

AP sources: Iran threatens US Army base and top general

2021-03-21 16:06:43


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